
Let’s Get to Know About
TEBITA Ambulance

Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Service (TEBITA): is the first private-sector emergency medical services company in Ethiopia. Mr. Kibret Abebe a licensed nurse anesthetist with more than 25 years of experience in health care in Ethiopia founded TEBITA in 2008. TEBITA provides 24-hour ambulance service in Addis Ababa, remote medical assistance to multinational companies operating in Ethiopia, and ground evacuation services throughout the country. The company is licensed by t h e Addis Ababa Health Bureau to provide emergency pre-hospital medical services and certified first aid and health safety training. In 2015, Mr. Kibret formed East Africa Emergency Services, LTD in Seychelles with investors from the United States as a partner organization to increase the capacity of TEBITA.

TEBITA was founded with the goal of reducing severe injuries, mortality, and morbidity of people involved in accidents and patients with emergency medical conditions. Proper emergency medical services contribute to a patient’s recovery and rehabilitation. The earnest need for professional intervention initiated the establishment of the first private emergency medical service provider in Ethiopia. TEBITA aims to provide emergency ambulance service, create awareness on first aid and health safety through formal training, and mass media and advocate the development of well-organized emergency medical services and management.

To date, TEBITA has responded to more than 60,000 calls for ambulance support and remains the only private company providing such services in Ethiopia. Furthermore, TEBITA has been engaged in creating awareness of first aid and health safety through formal training and public service media broadcasts. Its four digits’ emergency number (8035) is well known in Addis Ababa. Responding to calls from all over the country, TEBITA has evacuated patients in distress to hospitals in Addis Ababa and facilitated evacuations around the world. The company serves as the country representative to international health insurance companies including Africa Assist, AMREF, Flying doctors and SOS International.

Management's Message

Kibret Abebe


Leadership (MSC), Management (BA), Comprehensive Registered Nurse (Diploma), Anesthesia Profession (Advanced Diploma)

Mr. Kibret Abebe is a professional anesthetist with over 25 years’ experience. Mr. Abebe, established TEBITA Ambulance after witnessing the poor conditions of victims of traffic accidents and other emergency medical patients when they arrived at local Addis Ababa hospitals. Very few patients arrived via ambulance, while the majority traveled by public transportation. In a country where the rate of traffic accidents per capita is among the highest in the world, Mr. Abebe saw the need to improve patient transportation and pre-hospital care. He proposed the concept to the Ministry of Health, helped craft the government regulatory standards for the industry, and received the first ambulance license for TEBITA Ambulance in 2008. Six years later, TEBITA remains the only licensed for-profit ambulance and pre-hospital trauma care business in the country.

Yitages Mengistu

General Manager

Resource and Environment Economics (MSc), Economics (BA), Comprehensive Registered Nurse (Diploma)

As a comprehensive registered nurse, Mr. Mengistu worked in the operating rooms Tikur Anbessa Hospital for 15 years, the biggest and tertiary hospital in Ethiopia's capital of Addis Ababa. He also served as the executive director of the Ethiopia Midwives Association. Mr. Mengistu holds a master's of science in Resource and Environment Economics and has taught different courses at colleges and universities, including biostatistics, health economics, and principles of economics and operating room technique. Mr. Mengistu joined TEBITA Ambulance as the Operations Manager because he too understands Ethiopia's need for top quality pre-hospital and emergency care. His life's passion is to save lives and assist those in need.

Management Team

Kibret Abebe

Kibret Abebe


Kibret Abebe

Leadership (MSC), Management (BA), Comprehensive Registered Nurse (Diploma), Anesthesia Profession (Advanced Diploma)

Yitages Mengistu

Yitages Mengistu

General Manager

Yitages Mengistu

Resource and Environment Economics (MSc), Economics (BA), Comprehensive Registered Nurse (Diploma)

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